Google Files is the best file manager app for Android that can store files in an organized manner and be used to transfer files quickly between devices.

Hide Files with Safe Folder in Google Files

You can find the Safe Folder option on the Browser page. The folder allows you to save your important documents or secret files inside the Google Files Safe Folder.

When you open the Safe folder for the first time, it will ask you to enter a four-digit PIN, and note the most important thing never forget that 4-digit PIN, you are allowed to forget everything else but not 4-digit PIN of Safe Folder in Google Files. Because there is no option saying, “Forget PIN?” to restore your PIN. After setting the PIN, you can select one or more files from the app and can easily tap on the “Move to safe folder” in the menu to save the files.

If you delete or reinstall the Google Files from your smartphone, you may not be able to recover any of the files that were stored inside the Safe folder.

The files are stored in the root directory of the external storage named .FilesByGoogle which is located at data/media/{user}, and the folder seems to be encrypted itself so you can’t restore the files which were previously stored (before reinstallation) in the Safe Folder in Google Files.

Google Files is not available yet in the latest version of Google Files for the users. We can expect the feature to launch sooner rather than later.