It remains one of the most influential television shows in the Middle East and it is available as a streaming choice on the Middle East Television Center. About 31% of the population of Saudi Arabia lives outside of the kingdom’s home borders, with heavy concentrations in Egypt, the US, and Kuwait. This means that watching  Khawatir is not possible for these residents because of the geo-blocking practice installed by Middle East Television Center. Attempting to download or stream its content from outside Saudi Arabia’s borders results in an error message in your web browser. Fortunately, there is a safe, legal solution to this problem made possible by using a virtual private network (VPN).

How does a VPN work?

When the request gets to the remote server in Saudi Arabia, it is decrypted and then assigned a Saudi Arabian IP address. The request is then sent on to the Middle East Television Center website, which recognizes the IP address and allows you to begin watching episodes of  Khawatir. The downloaded data first travels to the remote server where it is encrypted. It passes back through the encrypted tunnel to your computer, where the VPN client decrypts it and makes it available. You can then watch episodes of  Khawatir regardless of whether you are located in Greenland, Greece, Georgia, or Great Britain.

Step-by-step instructions for using a VPN to watch Khawatir:

Which VPN is the best for watching Khawatir abroad?

1IPVanish VPN

IPVanish VPN is a stalwart of the VPN community despite being fairly young, founded in 2012. It had just 30 servers that first year and has grown to more than 1,000 spread across 60 countries in 2018.

2CyberGhost VPN

CyberGhost VPN is based out of Romania and has a whopping 2,700 servers spread across 60 countries, with more on the way every day. Founded in 2011, it features security features including the ability to block malicious websites, tracking, and ads, zero log keeping, and up to five user profiles.


VyprVPN is based out of Switzerland and uses 256-bit AES encryption. It never keeps logs and uses a zero-knowledge DNS system to wipe away any knowledge of what you’re doing online while using its system. VyprVPN offers unlimited bandwidth and has an impressive display of servers, more than 700 in more than 70 locations and more than 200,000 IP addresses.