1. Use a PDF Extractor One of the most common ways to extract text from PDFs and images is to use a PDF Extractor. This tool can be used to extract text from any type of PDF or image, and it’s easy to use. Just select the text you want to extract, and then click on the Extract button. The Extractor will start extracting the text from the document, and it will take a few minutes to finish. Once it’s done, you will have a list of extracted text files that you can use as you please.
  2. Use an Image Extractor Another way to extract text fromPDFs and images is to use an Image Extractor. This tool can be used to extract text from any type of image, and it’s also easy to use. Just select the image you want to extract, and then click on the Extract button. The Extractor will start extracting the text from the image, and it will take a few minutes to finish. Once it’s done, you will have a list of extracted image files that you can use as you please.
  3. Use an Editor If you want to try out different extraction methods before choosing one, then you might want to try using an Editor first. An Editor allows youto change how the extraction process works, so it can be more efficient or effective in extracting text from documents or images. You can also choose how many lines per page that your extracted texts should be on average, and whether or not you want your extracted texts in one big file or individual files based on your needs。

Extract Text from Image or PDF

  1. PDF Extractor
  2. PDF Creator


ExtractPDF is a tool that allows you to grab images, text and fonts out of a PDF file. The only limitation is that the max size for the PDF file is 10 MB. That’s a bit small; so if you have a bigger file, try some of the other methods below. Choose your file and then click the Send file button. The results are normally very fast and you should see a preview of the text when you click on the Text tab.

The online tool is great, but I’ve had a couple of PDF docs that give me funny output. The text is extracted just fine, but for some reason it’ll have a line break after each word! Not a huge problem for a short PDF file, but certainly an issue for files with lots of text. If that happens to you, try the next tool.

Online OCR

Online OCR can often convert PDF documents that don’t work with ExtractPDF, so it’s a good idea to try both services. Online OCR also has some nicer features that can prove handy for anyone with a large PDF file that only needs to convert text on a few pages rather than the whole document.

Creating a free account will help you upload more documents and convert them into PDFs.

In this example, I am converting a Spanish document to English. I have selected Page numbers and only the pages that I want to convert. Then I select the file and click Convert!

After conversion, you’ll be brought to the Documents section (if you’re logged in) where you can see how many available free pages you have left and links to download your converted files. It seems like you only have 25 pages for free a day, so if you need more than that, you’ll have to either wait a bit or buy more pages.

Online OCR did an excellent job of converting my PDFs because it was able to maintain the actual layout of the text. In my test, I took a Word doc that used bullets, different font sizes, etc and converted it to a PDF. Then I used Online OCR to convert it back to Word format and it was about 95% the same as the original. That’s pretty impressive for me.

Online OCR can easily extract text from PDF files, making it a great tool for converting images to text. ..

Free Online OCR

Since we’re discussing image to text OCR, I wanted to mention another great website that does a great job. Free Online OCR was very good and very accurate when extracting text from my test images. I took a couple of photos from my iPhone of pages from books, pamphlets, etc and I was surprised at how well it was able to convert the text.

Upload your text file and then click the OCR button to convert it to text.

Two freeware PDF converters are available for download. One, which I found to be better quality, requires an Internet connection to work. The other, which is free to use without any online connection required, produces lower quality conversions. ..

A-PDF Text Extractor

A-PDF Text Extractor is a software that can extract text from PDF files. Once you download it and install it, click the Open button to choose your PDF file. Then click Extract text to start the process.

The text output file will ask you a location to store the text output file and then it will begin extracting. You can also click on the Option button, which lets you choose only certain pages to extract and the extraction type. The second option is interesting because it extracts the text in different layouts and it’s worth trying all three to see which ones gives you the best output.

PDF2Text Pilot

PDF2Text Pilot is a basic PDF extractor that does an okay job of extracting text. However, it doesn’t have any options; you just add files or folders, convert and hope for the best. It worked well on some PDFs, but for the majority of them, there were numerous issues.

Just click Add Files and then click Convert. Once the conversion is complete, click on Browse to open the file. You mileage will vary using this program so don’t expect much.

Adobe Acrobat is a great tool for converting PDF files into other formats, such as Word, Excel and HTML. It preserves the structure of the original document and can convert complicated text easily. ..