Chat conversations that are stored on a server anywhere on the internet, encrypted or not, are vulnerable to hacking. Therefore, the best way to protect chat privacy is to use end-to-end encryption. ..

End-to-end encryption is a security feature used in chat applications to protect user data. The top 6 chat applications that offer end-to-end encryption are WhatsApp, Signal, Facebook Messenger, Apple iMessage, KakaoTalk, and WeChat. ..

What Is End-to-End Encryption?

The key to properly encrypted digital communications is the creation of both a public and a private key.

A user sends an encrypted message to another user. The first user creates a key that will unlock the message. The second user receives the key and can read the message. ..

When a user sends a message to another user, the message can only be opened by the recipient using their private key. The public key is known only by the device and the server. When the recipient receives a message, they use the public key and private key to open that message and decrypt it. This process continues back and forth as sender and recipient exchange messages. ..

This is a type of encryption that takes place between the sender and receiver. It is only possible to be read by the sender, and cannot be accessed by anyone else.

This scenario is never true. Messages are always stored in an encrypted state on any servers on the internet.

This article is about how to use end-to-end encryption in chat, specifically for online conversations. If you’re only interested in using it for secure phone calls, you can read our guide on how to do that too.


This decision, which was made in order to protect the privacy of users, has led to a lot of debate over the security of the messaging platform. Some people believe that end-to-end encryption is not enough and that messages can be intercepted and read by anyone who has access to your phone. Others argue that it is a necessary step in ensuring that private conversations are not shared with anyone without your permission.

WhatsApp is a messaging app with 900 million users. It is available on every major phone and for Windows and MacOS. ..

WhatsApp encrypts messages between devices using a secure protocol. Messages are only stored on the devices that participate in the conversation, not on any servers.

If you use the Whatsapp desktop app, you can still send and receive messages on your computer, but you will need to have Whatsapp installed on your phone to send and receive them.


Snowden used Signal to communicate with his family and friends, as well as to share sensitive information with reporters.

Open Whisper Systems developed Signal, an open-source app that is confident there is no hidden, back-door code intended to spy on your communications.

Signal is an encrypted messaging app that lets you communicate only with other users who have Signal installed. The end-to-end encryption works directly from one phone to another, and messages are encrypted in full transit. No messages are stored anywhere online.

To delete a message, just hold and tap it. The message will be deleted on the other user’s phone, so they’ll need to delete it on their end to fully destroy the conversation.

Signal is a messaging app that can be used on desktop and phone versions. The desktop version needs to be linked with your phone, while the phone version can be used without a desktop connection.


Wire is a new messaging app that lets you exchange encrypted voice or video calls, as well as IM chats. Unlike Whatsapp or Signal, Wire doesn’t require a phone number to work.

When you install the desktop version of Office, your endpoint device (smartphone, tablet, laptop) becomes your computer rather than your phone. ..

Wire is an open-source app that offers greater privacy than other apps.

An email account is a great way to send truly anonymous messages. By using an email account, you can keep your identity secret and avoid being tracked by your opponents or the government.

The Wire keeps track of contact information and other metadata associated with messages, including which people you spoke to and what topics were discussed. This data helps us understand how people communicate and helps us build better stories.


This is one of the most popular private messaging apps on the market, but it’s not as secure as you might think.

Wickr is a secure messaging app that allows you to keep your messages and conversations private and for a longer period of time. This app also allows you to store your messages in the cloud so that they are accessible from anywhere.

  1. Send a message
  2. View the message
  3. Reply to the message
  4. Delete the message
  5. Forward the message

The sender can set a time limit for how long the message will be visible on the recipient’s device. The sender can also send a photo, record and send a voice message, or attach files. ..

Your device is encrypted with a secure algorithm, and only the recipient’s device can decrypt it.

Wickr is a secure messaging app that helps protect your messages from hackers. If someone tries to access your messages on any server or during transmission, they’ll be thwarted and won’t be able to read them.

Wickr is a social media platform that allows users to share photos and videos.


Skype has announced that it is adding end-to-end encryption to its messaging service, in an effort to make users more privacy-conscious. ..

Skype is a communication platform that allows users to communicate with each other in a secure and encrypted manner. You can initiate a private, encrypted chat by clicking on +Chat above your contact list and choosing New Private Conversation.

The new chat feature encrypts all messages sent back and forth on your device and decrypted on the recipient’s device. ..

The encrypted conversation is only active from one specific device to another. If you move from your desktop to your phone, you’ll need to initiate a new private conversation and the recipient will need to accept your new invitation.

Facebook Messenger

Facebook Messenger is a great messaging service that is not typically associated with end-to-end encryption. But even though Facebook Messenger is not the most popular messaging service, it has added this important privacy and security feature into its flagship service. This makes Facebook Messenger an excellent choice for those who want to keep their communication private and secure.

To send a secret message on iOS, open the Messages app and type in “secret” followed by the text you want to send.

Tap Home, and then the edit icon to start a new message.Tap Secret in the upper right.Choose the message recipient.Tap the timer icon in the text box if you want to make the message disappear after a set time.

To send a secret message on Android, use the following code: android.intent.action.SEND

To start a secret conversation with someone, tap the home tab, and then launch a new Messenger conversation with the recipient.Tap the information icon in the top right.Tap Go to Secret Conversation.Tap the timer icon to make the message disappear after a set amount of time.

Facebook has announced that they will be discontinuing their secret messaging feature for web users. The feature is only available on the iOS or Android App. ..

End-to-end encryption is a security feature that allows you to communicate securely with others. By enabling this feature, you can be confident that no one will be able to intercept your conversation, and by destroying the messages after a set time, there won’t be anything stored on your device for a hacker to read. ..

The only downside to this messaging service is that the recipient needs to remember to set the timer so that both parties’ messages are automatically deleted once the conversation is over. ..

Using Encrypted Chat Applications

Yes, it is paranoid to want to use private chat applications that have end-to-end encryption capability.

One must be constantly on the lookout for any potential threats, no matter where they may come from. This includes being vigilant when it comes to online security, and taking measures to protect oneself from cybercrime.

Messenger apps are great for keeping in touch with friends and family, but they can also be used to securely communicate with others. You never know when something might happen that could jeopardize your privacy, so it’s important to use one of the messenger apps above and keep your conversations private. ..