To quickly create a list of all files and folders inside of a Windows directory and send it to someone in a nice easy to view format, you can use either the command line or third-party apps.


DirHTML is a nifty program that lets you generate a table of links to files and folders, just like Recursive Listing does, but DirHTML outputs the table as an HTML file! This means you can easily click on any file to open it in your web browser or with whatever the default application is for that file type. This could be very convenient for web developers working on a website locally. ..

This is a directory listing outputted in HTML. You can see that the directory listing is a bit plain looking because the program is old and therefore the webpage it creates looks pretty old. If you want a fancier output, you can check out the second program called Snap2HTML that I mention below.

The main window of the program has a list of folders and files. You can select any folder to view its contents, or you can type in a new folder name to search for files. The program also lets you view file attributes, such as size and date created. ..

This is the dirhtml.exe file that you’ll need to run to create a website. The first thing you’ll need to do is choose the domain name for your new website. You can either choose a domain name that’s already been registered with us, or you can create your own domain name and we’ll register it for you. After you’ve chosen a domain name, you’ll need to enter some basic information about your website. This includes the title of your website, the web address (URL), and the description of your website. You can also enter any other information that you want, such as images or videos. After you’ve entered all of this information, you’ll need to click on the “Create Website” button.

The program is highly configurable, allowing you to choose the folder and click the Build button if you don’t want to do anything else. You can filter based on file extension (File Specification) or by file names. ..

Under Miscellaneous, you can specify the file attributes you want to include in the HTML output and specify if you want to use fully qualified paths in the links. This is useful if you want to be able to transfer the files/folders to another computer. You can copy the folder to the other computer under the same path, i.e. C:\My Documents\Test and still be able to click on the files in the HTML listing to open them.

You can sort the files by Filename, Size, Date, and Extension.

You can configure the program to build the directory listing recursively or not. You can choose whether you want all links in one HTML file or to create an HTML file for each separate folder.

The program is a useful tool to quickly create HTML web pages for any folder branch in Windows.


The second program, Snap2HTML, produces better looking HTML output than the first program. Here is the HTML output for the same downloads directory on my computer:

The program Snap2HTML is a simple program that just has a couple of options. To run it, just double-click on the file Snap2HTML.exe. It doesn’t require an installation.

To start the directory listing, you can either pick the root folder or include a specific folder. If you want to include hidden or system files, you can change the title of the HTML page and check Enable under Link files. ..

You can check the Open in browser when ready button and then click Create Snapshot to generate the HTML directory listing. You’ll be prompted to save the HTML file first and then it will open in your default web browser. ..

The two programs that get the job done are both effective. They each have their own pros and cons, so you can decide which one is best for you. If you have any questions, feel free to post a comment. Enjoy!