The relentless need to be productive is the driving force behind why the pace of life seems to be constantly accelerating, as we are implementing automation in order to manage it. Some people are burning out and taking a new minimalist approach, living untethered from the societal norm of “getting things done” faster and more efficiently. ..

Apps to help you be more productive:

  1. RescueTime – This app helps you track how much time you spend on different tasks, and offers tips on how to be more efficient.
  2. Sunrise – This app helps you get organized by setting goals and tracking your progress.
  3. Todoist – This app lets you create lists and tasks, and syncs with your other devices so you can access your work from anywhere.
  4. RescueTime for Teams – This add-on for RescueTime lets team members share their time reports and collaborate on productivity improvements.
  5. Focus@Will – This app is designed to help people focus in any environment, whether they’re at home or at work. ..

Fabulous – Goal Setting and Habit


  1. Get a 12-month subscription to the monthly plan for only $9.99/month or a one-time payment of $95.99 for a year’s subscription.
  2. Get the best value by subscribing to the monthly plan which includes only one payment of $95.99 every 12 months.

If you’re looking for an app that will help you achieve your productivity goals, Fabulous is a great choice. This app wants to help you shift your mindset by establishing better daily routines that feed into a more productive, healthier, happier lifestyle.

Backed by Research

To get to know you, Fabulous asks you a series of questions during setup. These questions help us understand your daily routine and how you spend your free time. ..

Fabulous is a new app that was created at the Center for Advanced Hindsight at Duke University. The app’s makers say that it was designed to help people be happier and healthier. ..

The ketogenic diet is a low-carbohydrate, high-fat diet that has been shown to help people lose weight and improve their health.

Take a Journey

Based on what you tell me, this app provides me with a personalized plan to get my mind and body on the right track. Once I subscribe (or sign up for a free trial) to access the space called Sphere, the app sets my first goal for me. You begin what it calls An Unexpected Journey.

You’ll start with something simple, something easy you can accomplish. Fabulous will challenge you to drink water first thing when you wake up for the next three days to get your mind moving towards a new state.

As you complete challenges, you’ll unlock new ones. The idea is that you’ll continue to maintain the habits you’ve formed with previous challenges, and over time you’ll change your routine for the better. You can see what’s up ahead on your Journey Roadmap. ..

There are many different types of journeys available on the app, each with its own benefits. Some, like The Art of Stoic Living or A Fabulous Night, teach you how to use Stoicism to uncover new opportunities and succeed in high-stress situations. Other journeys, like Sphere Series, are six-month collections of journeys intended to help you create better routines, increase energy and cut out bad habits. ..

Make Yourself Fabulous

Make Me Fabulous is a seven-minute workout, a 20-minute power nap, or a Deep Work session that will help you improve your health and happiness.

Fabulous is a new app that helps you be more productive. It comes up with new routines and adjustments for you, so all you have to do is execute them. This can help you be more motivated to change and achieve your goals. ..

Headspace – Meditation

  1. Subscription terms: Monthly: $12.99/month Yearly: $94.99/year

Headspace is an app that can help improve productivity by changing the way people think. Former monk and renowned mindfulness expert Andy Puddicombe created the app, and it focuses on guiding users through meditative practices. ..

Basics Course

Headspace is a meditation app that helps people explore different types of meditation. They ask about your experience with meditation, why you want to explore meditative practices, and when it makes the most sense for you to meditate during your day. ..

The free Basics Course of the app provides you with a 10-session trial with two techniques to leverage. This is to get you familiar with the foundational techniques of meditation and mindfulness. The first technique is called “Mindfulness Meditation,” and it involves focusing on your breath, and then slowly counting to 10. The second technique is called “Meditation for Beginners,” and it involves focusing on your thoughts, and then slowly counting to 1.

Meditation Library

If you decide to upgrade through subscription, you gain access to the full Headspace meditation library. Here, you can tailor your meditation sessions to areas where you need to be practicing mindfulness the most.

If you’re looking for a way to relieve stress and anxiety, Headspace has a variety of guided meditations to choose from. If you need to increase your productivity at work, there are practices specifically designed for that. ..

There are hundreds of sessions built around improving areas of your life, such as focus, physical activity, and sleep. You also get tips and nuggets of wisdom to help you stay on the right path.

The app offers a variety of features to help you manage your stress and mindfulness. You can track your progress to see how much you’re improving. ..

Sleep by Headspace

Sleep is a key part of Headspace, which offers an experience called Sleep. This experience includes sleep meditation guidance, sleep-inducing sounds, and what Headspace calls sleepcasts that “guide you to a place of rest.”

This is an interesting extension of Headspace’s other meditation practices that enable higher productivity.

The key to maintaining productivity is to keep your mind clear of negative thoughts and distractions. Headspace can help.

Productive – To-Do Lists and Goal


The free trial for the Productive Premium service offers one month of access for $6.99, three months for $11.99, or one year for $29.99. ..

Productivity apps can be a great way to stay on track and achieve your goals. They can help you keep track of your progress, and provide reminders and statistics to help you stay focused. ..

Choose or Create Better Habits

Productive is a new app that aims to help users become more productive by providing them with a range of habits to choose from. The app offers a variety of options, such as hitting the gym, tidying up the house, and talking to strangers, which can be customized to meet the user’s needs. ..

When you choose a new habit, you also choose an icon to represent it as well as determine the duration of the activity and when/where it will occur. The habit is then added to your list of things to accomplish and will appear when you’ve set it to, whether that’s daily, weekly, monthly, or once. Upon completion, you simply mark it as done.

Habit Stats

-Days completed -Percentage of completed days -Avg. time spent on each task -Avg. time spent on tasks overall

Your perfect day begins with a good night’s sleep, followed by a perfect breakfast. You then spend the morning doing your best work, and end the day with a perfect dinner.

The app is simple, efficient, and appropriate for its purpose: to help users achieve productivity through a minimally distracting architecture and interface.

This app is designed to help you keep track of your to-dos and make sure you’re following through on them. It also has a built-in habit tracker so you can see how well you’re doing.

Google Keep – Notes and Lists

Some people still prefer notebooks and planners to stay on track, despite the availability of digital tools. ..

Google Keep is a great productivity app that helps you keep track of thoughts, create lists, and organize everything else in your life.

Capture, Organize Thoughts

Capture your thoughts, from typed or speech-to-text notes to doodles to images you take or upload. Group them by label and make them easy to find.

The Google Photos app is a great way to keep track of your photos, notes, and images. It’s easy to search for whatever you want, and the app is free.

Lists Galore

If you’re a serious list-maker, Google Keep gives you an easy way to create them with checkboxes you can mark off as you go through. In particular, a perk of the app is it actually helps you fill out your grocery list with suggestions. You can also set reminders for lists as well as notes and images to ensure you take care of what needs to be done at the right time.

Google Keep is a great way to keep your life organized with a touch of help. It’s simple yet modern, and more advanced than the native notes app you likely have on your smartphone. ..

Flora – Focus and Habit Tracking

with Gamification

Smartphones can be a huge distraction in group settings. They can take up space on tables, beep and vibrate in our pockets, and generally create a nuisance. This can lead to people being less productive because they’re constantly checking their phones instead of paying attention to the person next to them or the task at hand. ..

Flora is a new app designed to help people stay productive during meetings by keeping their eyes off their phones. ..

Plant Trees for Productivity

Flora is a new app that aims to help people stay focused on tasks by limiting their time spent on their smartphones. When you first start the app, a virtual tree will start to grow. You can then invite others to join by sending them a unique code. ..

As the tree grows, it has the option to take a break or give up. Any break time used will be subtracted from your final focus duration time, whereas giving up will kill the tree. Flora shares your tree-growing and tree-killing record with your community of peers (you can keep it private if you’re too ashamed) so they can see how truly productive or unproductive you are. ..

If you’re looking to up the stakes in your Flora tree-planting sessions, you can also set a real monetary price you’re willing to pay to plant a real tree whenever you fail. If you complete a session, you won’t be charged and Flora will reward you with a prize. ..

Map Planting to Goals

Flora is a new app that helps you manage your time more effectively. You can tag sessions, set time-based goals, and set reminders for when things are coming up. This way, you can see how productive you are under different circumstances based on how well you do with planting trees during these sessions. ..

If you can’t stay focused on your work, incentivizing productivity could be a useful step to take. Flora not only makes you pay for breaking focus, it also turns those shortcomings into something vitally important to our world: trees. ..

Get Back on Track

Too much work can easily lead to feeling less productive. Trying to be involved in too many activities can also lead to feeling less productive. Making time for too many people can also lead to feeling less productive. Attempting to accomplish more can be a burden and lead to the outcome of being less productive. ..

If you’re feeling overwhelmed and struggling to stay on top of your work, it might be time to try one or more of the following five productivity apps:

  1. Evernote: This app is great for keeping track of ideas, tasks, and projects. You can also share notes with others using the app’s social media features.
  2. OneNote: This app is perfect for keeping track of important information such as meeting times and notes from previous meetings. You can also share these notes with others using the app’s social media features.
  3. Google Keep: This app is great for keeping track of important information such as meeting times and notes from previous meetings. You can also share these notes with others using the app’s social media features.
  4. Slack: This app is great for staying organized and connected with team members during busy times. You can use Slack to communicate with other team members about tasks, projects, and other important matters.
  5. iCloud Drive: iCloud Drive is a great way to store your files so that you don’t have to worry about them being lost or stolen again in the future. You can use iCloud Drive to store files such as photos, videos, and documents.