Windows 10 includes a new feature called the Registry Editor that makes it easier to manage and access the registry. The Registry Editor is located in the Start menu under “Programs and Features.” The Registry Editor has a bunch of different tabs, including “Keys,” “Values,” “Registry Hive,” and “File System.” You can use the Registry Editor to add, delete, or change values in the registry. You can also use the Registry Editor to view and change information about apps installed on your computer. ..

The registry cleaners that are marketed as being able to remove “junk” or “corrupt” entries from the registry typically do not actually have a significant impact on performance. In fact, they can actually cause problems and increase the risk of crashes, blue screens, and general computer slowness.

There is no real performance benefit to using registry cleaners, as the only people who have any evidence to support this claim are the sites selling the software and they don’t have any factual evidence or performance tests to back up their claims.

The reality is that registry cleaners were popular back in the days of Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows Me and maybe even Windows XP, but the newer operating systems like Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 10 are far more stable, well-coded and advanced than their previous counterparts. With Windows 8 andWindows 10, you can fix a lot of problems by resetting or refreshing your PC. You’re also going to see much bigger performance benefits by disabling useless startup programs in Windows or by uninstalling junkware or crapware from your system.

There are some rare cases where removing entries from the registry may help. One example is right-click context menu in Explorer. Sometimes the list of items becomes very large and some items in the registry no longer exist on the system. That means when you right-click on a file or folder, it could take a very long time to load the context menu. ..

In this type of case, it is recommended that registry cleaner be used instead of removing the registry entries. However, it is still recommended not to use a registry cleaner. Instead, you can Google and hopefully find an article like mine that shows you how to troubleshoot a slow right-click context menu. This way you are fixing the problem without clearing out a bunch of stuff you’re not sure what is being used for.

Some people believe that using a registry cleaner is a good way to clean up your computer and make it run faster. However, there are also many people who believe that these cleaners are just malware or spyware programs that can actually damage your computer. So, before you use a registry cleaner, be sure to do your research first to make sure it is reputable and safe. ..

If you’re still certain that you need a registry cleaner, then I do have one recommendation. Before we get to that, however, you should always make a backup of the registry before you run any type of cleaner software. Making a backup is as simple as creating a new system restore point. I always do this before running any cleaner on my registry even though the one I will mention is extremely safe and has never caused me any issues.


CCleaner is a free system cleanup utility that also includes an option for cleaning the registry. I’ve already debated the worthiness of system cleaning software before and concluded that basically, yes, some tools do actually work in these cases.

The free version of CCleaner is great for most people, but if you use it a lot like me, I would highly recommend the $24.95 CCleaner Professional. This includes real-time monitoring, automatic updates and unlimited technical support.

CCleaner is a computer cleaning program that removes unused or forgotten files from a computer. These files may be remnants of programs that have been uninstalled, or they may simply exist in a database and no longer be used. CCleaner’s newer versions of Windows use advanced databases, so even tens of thousands of extra entries will not slow down access to the database. ..

This registry cleaner is great for cleaning your system and also has the option to create a backup of the registry. It also has different scanning options so you can choose what to scan for. The downside is that it doesn’t provide very meaningful descriptions of the actual entries, but that’s true with most other registry cleaners too. There are simply too many entries in the registry to write detailed descriptions of each.

I am confident that the program I recommended will not cause any harm to your computer, install malware, or cause other problems. If you have any questions, please let me know. Thanks for choosing my program!