“If you say that all lives matter, I’ll stand up to you.”

A protest for George Floyd has now reached the streets of Grand Theft Auto 5. The musician, who has been missing since February, was last seen in the city of Los Santos. Fans are rallying together to demand answers from Rockstar Games about his whereabouts and well-being. ..

Apple’s recent moves with regards to Siri are commendable, but we must see the company develop this vitality and go above and beyond in order to keep up with its competitors.

When you connect with the voice-activated assistant, it should change to a more masculine voice.

This fortifies the possibility of female subjugation, yet in addition, propagates innovation as white space. Successfully, it’s not comprehensive. Furthermore, that truly shouldn’t be the situation.

Now, a year later, the world’s first genderless voice assistant is available. Called Q, it was created by specialists who had the option to characterize a gender-neutral frequency vocal range. They at that point recorded a few voices, “working on the pitch, the tone, and the format filter.” Now that Q is available, anyone can create their own genderless voice assistant using it. There are many different voices to choose from and they can be customized to your own needs. You can also use Q to communicate with other people in any language.

Siri needs more improvements to show how Apple actually supports ‘Black Lives Matter’, just a few words won’t help

This is a thought that has been around for a while and could be realized quickly if done sensibly.

Large organizations support Black Lives Matter, but if they are to move beyond PR, they need to make significant improvements. Apple’s inclusion of an “all lives matter” Siri response is a step in the right direction, but it does not go far enough. ..

Activision Blizzard’s latest Call of Duty game, “Black Ops III,” has come under fire for its new loading screen that says “Black Lives Matter.” The loading screen is displayed when the player first starts the game and features a group of people standing in front of a police car with the words “Black Lives Matter” written on it. Activision Blizzard has come under fire for its new loading screen that says “Black Lives Matter.” The loading screen is displayed when the player first starts the game and features a group of people standing in front of a police car with the words “Black Lives Matter” written on it. Many gamers are criticizing Activision Blizzard for using this slogan to promote their newest Call of Duty game, which is set in a world where black people are oppressed by white people. Some gamers say that this slogan is inappropriate for a video game, and others say that it’s racist. ..

Renovating the “voice” of its gadgets isn’t equivalent to guaranteeing administration sheets are adjusted, however, it would be a choice that effectively attempts to change biases, not just a few expressions of help.

Apple’s refusal to include a Google Home and Alexa voice assistant in its upcoming iPhone SE is a clear sign that the company doesn’t think that these assistants are necessary for consumers.

Apple has refreshed Siri to help Black Lives Matter, which shows extraordinary vitality from the organization. However, it’s simply the beginning. If we need to see real change, at that point genuine things need to change, not just a few words about it.

The Black Lives Matter movement has been fighting for justice for black Americans for years now. To help support their efforts, you can find data on how to fight back here.

Apple Announces Open Source Password Manager Resources for Developers for Better Security Apple is working on its own SoC for upcoming Macs in 2021 that will include a password manager. The company is also developing over-the-ear headphones with modular parts that will make it easier to create and manage passwords.