Apple Gets Patent for New Synthetic Group Selfies Feature

Apple has been granted a patent for a new synthetic group feature. This is interesting because the timing for this feature is interesting as people are forced to stay home with the COVID-19 pandemic. ..

Apple has filed a patent for a device that would create a synthetic group selfie. ..

How Does the Synthetic Group Selfies Work?

There are three different guys, X, Y, and Z. All three are at different locations. If they want to make a group selfie that will have X, Y, and Z in it, this feature can be used. This will include selfies from these three from different locations. Now a computing device (most likely to be an iPhone or an iPad) will store these images in such a way that the participants could modify, rearrange the individual selfies in any way to make a synthetic group selfie. So X, Y, and Z can take a group selfie while being at different locations. Pretty cool, right? ..

The reports say that these individual images can include stored video images, live streaming images, or still images. ..

A group selfie is a type of photo-taking where people take pictures of themselves together. The idea behind the synthetic group selfie is to make it easier for people to take pictures of each other without having to worry about the background of their images being removed. This would make it easier for people to take pictures in groups and also make it possible for them to be near each other while taking the picture.

This new synthetic group selfie feature is set to roll out in the near future, but users are still not sure when it will actually be available.

Apple today announced that it has released a set of open source password manager resources for developers, making it easier for them to create and manage secure passwords. The new resources include a password manager toolkit, a password generator, and an editor for creating and managing passwords.

Apple is working on a new SoC for upcoming Macs in 2021 that will allow them to run more efficiently and be more powerful.