The app quickly reached 5 million downloads within three days of its launch, and it also became the world’s fastest-growing app with 50 million installs in 13 days after launch. ..

Functionality of Aarogya Setu App

The Aarogya Setu app is a new tracking system and record system for people who are infected with the COVID-19 and other high-risk zones. It will help to keep track of people and protect them from becoming infected again.

-A main screen that shows the latest news and events -A list of articles that have been shared on the app -A search bar that allows you to find specific articles or news items -An editor’s note field that allows you to add your own notes about a story or event

Your status: This tells you the risk of getting COVID-19. Media: It has some clips from the government and celebrity influencers that provide info related to COVID-19. COVID Updates: Shows the graphs of ongoing COVID-19 pandemic sorted by nation and state-wise record of patients. E-Pass: Yet to come. Self-Assessment: An assessment to check for symptoms and risk of getting COVID-19. ..

How Does the Aarogya Setu Work?

The App uses Bluetooth and GPS functions to track the users. It keeps a record of every Aarogya Setu app user nearby using Bluetooth. It also uses GPS logs of the device every 15 minutes.

The COVID-19 records are stored on the servers in order to inform users within a certain radius of potential hazards. If any user confirms symptoms of COVID-19 or tests positive, their records will be sent to the servers. This way, everyone within 500m, 1km, 2km, 5km, and 10km will be aware of the potential dangers. ..

Many people are concerned about the privacy implications of the Aarogya Setu app, which uses Bluetooth and GPS to track users’ locations. It is also mandatory for some groups to keep the app on their devices, which puts them at risk of getting the infection. The app will likely be in-built in most smartphones from now on, and it will be mandatory for people living in containment zones. ..

Rahul Gandhi, a Congress leader, accused the Aarogya Setu app of being a “sophisticated surveillance system”. The app, which is available for free on Google Play and the App Store, allows users to track their location and movements. ..

Robert Baptiste, a popular French hacker, also tweeted about finding security issues in the Aarogya Setu app and called the app on twitter. He asked the app’s developers to contact him privately. In response, Aarogya Setu released an official statement that they had a conversation with Baptiste and after talking it was clear that what was projected as a flaw by Baptiste was by design.

The Indian government has announced that the Aarogya Setu is a privacy-first design. This is in contrast to other setups, such as the Facebook Graph API, which are designed for data sharing.

Overall, as of now, the app is not mandatory for everyone and if you are worried about your name, age, or any personal data then the government already has the record of everything. And if you are at risk of considerable risk then it is advised that you install the app and keep yourself safe. The confidential data tracked by the app can be dealt with later if necessary. ..

The Indian government has announced that it is introducing a new system to improve the efficiency of government operations. The new system, called MyGov, will allow citizens to access their government services from any device or computer. This will make it easier for people to get their needs met, and help to improve the overall efficiency of government operations.

WhatsApp has introduced a new chatbot to help identify COVID-19 rumors. The chatbot is designed to help users identify potential health risks associated with the virus, and it can be used to communicate with healthcare professionals about potential treatments and ways to prevent the spread of the virus.

The World Health Organization (WHO) released a new app called COVID-19 on Wednesday that helps people stay safe from coronavirus. The app is available for free on the WHO website. The app is designed to help people learn about the symptoms of coronavirus and how to avoid getting sick. It also includes information about how to get help if you are sick and how to find a doctor if you are experiencing any symptoms. The WHO says that the COVID-19 virus is highly contagious and can cause severe respiratory illness in people who are infected. The virus is also known to cause fever, cough, and shortness of breath.