In Windows 10, you can use the Cleanup tool to clean up your system. This tool is located in the Start menu. You can also use this tool to clear your unwanted folders and files if you want. In Windows 11, you can use the Cleanup tool to clean up your system. This tool is located in the System Tools folder. You can also use this tool to clear your unwanted folders and files if you want.

Remove Unwanted Apps To Clean Up Your PC

If you have any unused apps sitting on your computer, it’s best to uninstall them to free up storage space. You can do so using the Settings app on both Windows 10 and 11.

  1. Open the App Store on your computer.
  2. In the App Store, click on the app that you want to uninstall.
  3. Click on the “Uninstall” button in the app’s menu bar.
  4. Follow the instructions that appear to uninstall the app from your computer. ..

Use Disk Cleanup to Clean Up Your Windows 10/11 PC

If you find any files that you don’t want on your computer, you can use Disk Cleanup to delete them. This tool will also help you find and remove any files that are not needed on your system.

Delete Large Folders To Make Space on Your Windows PC

Windows has a built-in tool to quickly find and remove large folders that are taking up space on your computer. ..

Uninstall Built-In Apps and Make Your PC Bloatware-Free

Windows 10 and 11 come preloaded with certain apps. If you don’t make use of these apps, you can remove these apps and clean up your PC.

  1. Open the Start screen and type “cmd” and hit enter.
  2. Type “netstat -a” and hit enter.
  3. Look for the line that says “Ports: 22000-22999.” If it’s not there, create a new line by typing “netstat -a | grep 22000” and hitting enter.
  4. The line that says “Ports: 22000-22999.” should now be there, with the port number added in brackets after it. Remove the port number from the line by typing “netstat -a | cut -d’ ‘”.

Empty the Recycle Bin

If you don’t regularly clear the contents of the Recycle Bin, it will fill up and you’ll have to delete files manually. ..

  1. Delete all the files in the Recycle Bin.
  2. Type “recycle bin” into the Windows Explorer and hit enter.
  3. The Recycle Bin will be emptied and all the files will be moved to the new location.

Defrag Your Drives

By defragging your hard drive, you can improve the performance of your computer by bringing the relevant data together on your disk. This doesn’t change how the files appear on your PC, only how the computer reads and writes those files. ..

Disable Startup Apps To Make Your PC Boot Up Faster

Your computer has certain startup apps that automatically launch when you turn on your computer. If your computer takes too long to boot up, you should remove non-essential apps from this startup apps list.

This doesn’t delete your apps, and you can always re-add your apps to the startup apps list. If you uninstall an app, it will still be available in the startup apps list.

Remove Browser Extensions and History

To clean your web browsers, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Start menu and type “clean browser.”
  2. The Clean Browser window will open.
  3. In the Clean Browser window, click on the “History” tab and then click on the “Deleting” button.
  4. The Deleting Browser History window will open.
  5. In the Deleting Browser History window, select all of the browsers that you want to delete and then click on the “Delete” button.

In most web browsers, you can remove the extensions by clicking on the Extensions tab and selecting Remove.

You can clear your browsing history by heading into your browser’s Settings menu and choosing an appropriate option. You can remove cookies and other site data as well.

Built-In Tools Make It Easier To Clean Up Your Windows 10/11 PC

This guide will show you how to keep your computer clean and running smoothly. By following the tips in this article, you can help prevent your computer from becoming sluggish or bogged down with unnecessary files. ..