Crowdfunding has allowed people to invest in products they believe in, instead of just buying them. This has given rise to a whole new industry of entrepreneurs who are able to bring their ideas to life. Crowdfunding gadgets have become a popular way for people to invest in their passions, and many people actually want them.

Caveat Emptor – Buyer Beware!

Crowdfunding is a way for people to invest in projects they believe in. The people you give the money to are not under any obligation to pay you back, and it’s not an investment. You don’t own shares and a promise of a delivered product is not as binding as many might think.

Crowdfunding is a great way to raise money for a project you may not be able to afford on your own. However, if you are not comfortable writing off a project, it is best to avoid crowdfunding. A significant number of projects will not succeed, but if you take the time to really read the pitches you can better your chances of backing a winner.

  1. Kickstarter Kickstarter is the most popular crowdfunding site on the internet, with over $3 billion in pledges made to date. Projects that receive funding on Kickstarter tend to be more innovative and risky than those that don’t. Projects that are well-funded tend to have a longer life, and often receive more press coverage.
  2. Indiegogo Indiegogo is a little less well-known but has been making waves in the tech world for its innovative campaigns such as the Pebble watch campaign. Projects that are funded on Indiegogo tend to be shorter in duration but can be more creative and ambitious than those that don’t get funded.
  3. Weibo Weibo is another popular crowdfunding site with over 1 million users who pledge money to projects every day. Weibo is especially popular for small-scale projects, as donors can easily share their ideas and suggestions with friends and family members without having to worry about getting their money back if the project doesn’t turn out well.


In 2009, Kickstarter was created as a way for people to fund their projects without having to go through traditional channels. It has since become a popular platform for tech projects, with many famous startups and celebrities using it to raise money.

Kickstarter is a model where people pledge money to a project, but if the project doesn’t meet its funding goal, the person doesn’t have to pay anything. If the project does get funded, the person gets a share of the money.

The project owners can set award tiers for different levels of donation. For example, a tier that nets you a unit might be offered for a donation of $10 or less. Alternatively, a higher tier might be available for a donation of $50 or more.

This website is a great resource for finding crowdfunding options for gadgets. It also attracts some of the best projects. However, not everyone likes the Kickstarter model. There are other options available, such as Indiegogo and GoFundMe. ..


IndieGoGo was launched before Kickstarter, although it didn’t immediately get as much traction. The idea is also pretty similar to Kickstarter, with project owners offering tiered awards to people who kick some cash over to them. ..

Since 2016, IndieGoGo has offered the option to sell equity to micro-investors, but it is not an equity crowdfunding site in principle. Most projects are still more or less the same as the Kickstarter model. ..

IndieGoGo is a crowdfunding site that allows users to buy products that are already available. This is an alternative to waiting years for a new innovative project to come to fruition. ..

In many ways IndieGoGo feels more innovative and flexible than Kickstarter does these days and still attracts plenty of AAA project ideas on its own merit. It’s a must to stop by if you’re feeling generous.


Crowdsupply is a site for hardcore hardware enthusiasts who want to find the best projects for their needs. The site is focused on nerdy applications such as networking, robotics and open hardware, so if you’re looking for something specific, this is the site for you. There are still categories for food, toys and such, but overall it’s a paradise for those who love circuit boards and the smell of solder.

Crowdsupply is a unique company in that they go above and beyond to make sure that projects that get funded and created are delivered to backers. They have their own distribution infrastructure, which ensures successful products are made and delivered. ..

Crowdsupply is a much more pro-user platform than the competition, with some truly innovative tech projects.


Crowdfunder is a new crowdfunding platform that allows people to invest in companies in return for equity. This solves a major problem that many people have with crowdfunding, the fact that people are owed nothing for the money they put down. Not even the promised rewards.

The startup world is changing, and with it the rules for investing in companies. Thanks to legal restrictions, only accredited investors are allowed to put their money into promising startups. That is however set to change in the near future, as a new investment world is emerging that will allow anyone to invest in early startups. This new investment world is full of opportunity, and with it, the potential for great success for those who take advantage of it.

Crowdfunder is a website where people can donate money to startups in order to help them achieve their goals. If you are looking at investing more serious money towards the next world-conquering tech startup, Crowdfunder is a place you should keep a keen eye on.


Science and technology are inseparable. After all, it’s the scientific discoveries that give us the knowledge to make the technologies we all love today. So while the projects you can fund on Experiment are usually not going to lead directly to a specific gadget or gizmo, you may help develop something that could change everything one day.

Experiment is a great place to find new battery technology, robots, and scientific research projects. There are many different disciplines at Experiment, so there is something for everyone. If you’re interested in technology, Experiment is a great place to visit. ..

By donating to a scientific research project, you are helping to advance human knowledge. This is a great way to get that warm fuzzy feeling! ..


Patreon is a site where people who work on all sorts of projects get funding. Artists, content creators and just about anyone who needs financial assistance to pursue their passion projects can use Patreon to get money. Patreon isn’t like Kickstarter in the sense that you can get a shiny new gadget for your contribution. However, there are plenty of technology tinkerers who create cool stuff you can help out through this site.

Becoming a Patron of a creative project can help the creator stay motivated and continue working on their project. This can lead to them developing new software or devices, which could then be brought to market through Kickstarter or venture capital investment. ..

The main benefit of this event is that you get to be a part of the process and help shape the future of technology. There are also plenty of creators who make educational content that can help nurture the next generation of inventors, so it really is a nice place to spread the love around every now and then.


Crowdfunding is a way for people to invest in new projects by giving money to the project owner. CrowdCube is a website that helps people invest in startups that are looking for funding. ..

There are a number of technology-related projects on display at the show, and although you won’t be able to purchase any gadgets from the exhibits, if a given company takes off you may see some serious returns. Then again, as with any investment, you could also see your contribution go up in smoke. ..

Don’t put down money you can’t afford to lose on Kickstarter or any other crowdfunding platform.


Crowdfunding is a way to raise money from a large number of people quickly and easily. This is often done by asking people to invest in a project, with the hope that the project will be successful and the investors will see a return on their investment. Republic is an example of crowdfunding that also works as an investment. If you put money into Republic, you’ll see a return on your money if Republic succeeds. ..

Republic is unique in that it allows anyone to invest in projects, regardless of their financial status. Some platforms only allow registered investors, but Republic welcomes everyone. Some projects have minimum investments of just ten dollars, making it accessible to a wider range of people. ..

The reason they can manage the risk of this is because they are selective in who they accept as applicants. Republic claims that only 3% of startups who apply to them make it through to be crowdfunded.

Republic is a startup accelerator that focuses on technology investments. While the startups that are approved change over time and won’t always have a tech focus, there’s plenty for those looking to invest in technology here. Republic has hosted projects dealing with robotics, genomics, Fintech and much more. If you don’t see an interesting investment opportunity today, you can always come back from time to time. Who knows? You might end up funding the next Uber or AirBnB!

Money Well Spent

Crowdfunding has allowed tech startups to bypass the traditional venture capitalists and get their products to market quickly. This has made the tech industry more innovative and competitive, and has helped spur new businesses to success.

Independent inventors are always coming up with new and innovative ideas that could benefit society as a whole. Why not contribute to their efforts by sharing your own ideas with others? It’s better than never having anything at all, and it’s sure to make everyone happy. ..