Your survival depends on your ability to avoid combat and stay hidden.

You survive by being a lone wolf.

Here are some tips to help you survive and thrive in Rust, whether you’re playing solo or with friends. You can also check out our cheat sheet and hacks to make your life a bit easier in the game. ..

Keep reading to find out more about the new update. The new update includes a number of new features and improvements. ..

Tips to Survive Solo in Rust 

1. Never engage in an early fight

You’ll need to find a way to survive and build your own society.

If someone finds you suicidal, the best way to avoid them is to avoid other players. If someone wants to start a fight, run as fast as possible.

To be able to protect yourself in Rust, you’ll need to gather the necessary tools and materials to build wooden spears. Make sure you gather the stones and wood to create the perfect weapon for your needs.

If you’re stranded in the wild, gathering tools can help you survive. You can find a bow, arrow, and pickaxe to help you fight off any attackers. ..

2. Don’t move or cook at night

In Rust, movement and cooking should not be done at night because enemies will attract attention like bees to honey.

The best way to survive in the night is to find a place to rest and wait out the night.

When it is day again, you can move and cook freely. The truth is that moving about in the night with your touch will attract attention. Also, if you cook at night, the fire will alert others of your location and they’ll find you.

3. Hide your base away

Your base should be hidden so that no one can find it easily. This will help you survive in the game and protect your resources.

Building your home in a hidden location is the best way to avoid players from finding it. For example, you can build it inside or behind a rock formation. You can also build it by the cliff to avoid overexposing yourself.

Building a base in a remote location is important, but it’s also important to be able to get to it no matter where you are. This means finding a place where you can’t see anyone else and building your base there.

4. Always be vigilant 

If you want to stay hidden, make sure you keep an eye on everyone around you. Whenever anyone is close to or around you, be sure to watch them.

-If you see other players going for a raid, remember that you’re playing solo and hide from them. You don’t want to be killed. -If the player proves to be a threat, ambush them to have a better chance of winning the fight. ..

Hide away from your opponents and make sure you’re movement is silent to avoid attention. also, as you crouch, listen for the footsteps of other players to identify their location and know how to run.

5. Always Ambush the enemy

When it comes to Rust fights, the best strategy is to ambush your opponents. Once you notice them, crouch and slowly move closer to them. This will make it difficult for them to focus on you and make successful attacks.

When attacking someone, be quiet and stay as close to them as possible. If you can, try to use your weapon to kill them first. If you miss, run away and never look back.


Playing Rust Solo is difficult, but it can be done with the help of these tips. Don’t fight without weapons at first, and then hide your base away from prying eyes.