If you’re like me and haven’t updated your Garmin or TomTom in years, then newer areas won’t show up when you search for them. Also, if you’re short on data usage, it’s probably not a good idea to use your smartphone for getting directions. In these cases, I simply use a service like Google Maps to get the coordinates for the address I am looking for and then I just plug those into the GPS in my car. ..

In this article, I’ll show you how to get the GPS coordinates for a location. I’ll even show you how to get the latitude and longitude for your current location using your smartphone (iPhone and Android). First, let’s take a look at how to get the GPS coordinates for a location on your iPhone or Android device. To get the GPS coordinates for a location on your iPhone or Android device, open up Maps and select “Get Directions.” Once you have selected “Get Directions,” enter in the address of where you want to go. For example, if you want to go to my house, enter 123 Main Street. Once you have entered in the address of where you want to go, click on “Next.” Now, we need to find out what time it is in your area. To do this, we need to use our phone’s clock feature. To do this, open up Clock on your phone and select “Get Time Zone Info.” Once you have selected “Get Time Zone Info.,” enter in the time zone that you are located in (UTC). For example, if you are located in America/New_York City UTC-5:00am, then enter 5:00am into the text field below. Now that we know what time it is in our area (UTC), we can find out what latitude and longitude are associated with that time zone! To do this, we need to use our phone’s GPS feature again. To do this, open up Maps and select “GPS Coordinates For Location…。。。。(or just type ‘GPS Coordinates For Location’ into the text field below). If everything looks good so far (you should see something like these coordinates): Latitude: 41° 47'

Google Maps

The first way is to use the “Google Maps” button on the top left of your screen. This will take you to a Google Maps page that will show you all of the places you’ve been. You can then click on a place and it will take you to a detailed map of that location. The second way is to use the “GPS Coordinates” button on the top right of your screen. This will take you to a Google Maps page that will show you all of the places where you have GPS coordinates. You can then click on a place and it will take you to a detailed map of that location with GPS coordinates in it.

For example, if you wanted to find the coordinates for the White House, you would type in “http://maps.google.com/maps?q=washington+dc&oe=UTF-8&hl=en&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=isch&zoom=14&iwloc=A" into your web browser. ..

If you’re trying to get coordinates for a location that doesn’t appear in Google Maps, you can right-click anywhere on the screen and choose What’s here?

If you type in “5.4,” the box will list the coordinates for 5.4 miles away from your current location.

Bing Maps

I also mention Bing Maps because they are a great resource for finding addresses and other information. Just type in a location and you’ll see the coordinates on the left hand side.

If you’re looking for a location without an address, you can right-click anywhere on the map and it displays the coordinates automatically. So Bing is definitely easier to use when looking for GPS coordinates.

iPhone Coordinates

Once you’ve changed your location settings, open the Compass app and input the current coordinates of your iPhone.

Tap on Location Services at the top of your screen.

To use the compass while using your phone, scroll down until you see Compass and tap on it. If you see it already says “While Using,” then you’re good to go. ..

If you don’t want the app to keep track of your location, you can disable it in the Settings app. ..

You can now see your current location and the current GPS coordinates on the Compass app.

Android Coordinates

To get coordinates from Google Maps, you will need to use a third-party app. Unfortunately, there is no official way to do this on Android. However, you can try a little workaround in order to get the coordinates. This requires some extra steps, but they are worth it.

Next, open the “Photos” app on your Android device and take a picture of the location. You can use the camera’s flash if you want to make it easier to see in the photo. Finally, open Google Street View on your Android device and view the photo you just took. You can zoom in and out of the photo to get a better understanding of what is happening at the location. ..

If you’re using a Google Maps version that doesn’t have a Share option, you can press and hold on the map to get a pin for the location, then swipe up on the pin to see more information about it. If you’re using an Android version of Google Maps, you can share the location by tapping three dots in the top right corner.

Google Maps is a great way to share your location with others. Just copy the link and paste it into Chrome.

If you type in a location, the map will automatically show you the coordinates and other information about that location. The link will look something like this:

To get the coordinates for a location on Google Maps, open the map app and type in the address or street name. Then, use the arrow keys to move around and press Enter to take you to the location.