1. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has a dashboard that shows the latest coronavirus cases in the United States.
  2. The World Health Organization (WHO) has a dashboard that shows the latest coronavirus cases in all of the world.
  3. The United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has a dashboard that shows how many people are infected with coronavirus each day.
  4. The World Health Organization (WHO) has a dashboard that shows how many people have died from coronavirus so far this year.

Security Alert!

It seems that no matter what disaster we have to deal with, there will always be people who try to profit from it somehow. Sadly, hackers and creators of malicious software have taken to creating convincing Coronavirus dashboard sites that actually steal your data or infect your computer with malware. Always double check the address and make sure you’re using the legitimate site. ..

The WHO Dashboard

This is a dashboard that shows how many people have contracted the coronavirus so far this year.

The World Health Organization is a website that helps governments coordinate and strategize against the COVID-19 pandemic. Their site is minimalist, has all the most important information right there from the start, and you can easily narrow down to any region of the world you want to see simply by clicking on it.

The WHO has released a new global health map that includes both death tolls from coronavirus by region and a bubble map mode which shows you the relative scale of cases by country at a glance. If you scroll down from the main map, there are well thought-out breakdowns of data to help you understand what’s going on on a global stage. ..

The Google Dashboard

If you search for “coronavirus” on Google, you’ll see a variety of different pages that will give you all the information you need about coronavirus. The overview page on Google is one of the most comprehensive sources of information about coronavirus.

The Google service is a little confusing at first, but once you understand what it’s trying to do it all makes sense. The “Overview” tab on the left of the page tells you important news related to the pandemic, but the actual map is hidden on the right side of the page. If you click on “View full map”, you’ll be taken to a dedicated map page that starts with where Google detects your location.

This map is built on the Google Maps foundation, so if you’re used to using that system, this map already feels pretty familiar. The map is incredibly easy to read and provides data by state or province, depending on the country and the data in question. ..

Google has released a report on the spread of infection over time. The report breaks down infection trends by source, as well as symptoms, treatment, and prevention. This report is a great dashboard to share with friends and family.

The Bing Dashboard

Microsoft’s Bing also has a COVID-19 tracker on offer. If we’re being honest, it’s much better from a design and interface perspective. Unlike the Google offering, this seems like a site that was designed as a cohesive whole.

Bing is not as effective at communicating the statistics as Google is at first. However, once you know what you’re looking at it becomes pretty simple.

The map popup summary in particular is a nice touch, showing a concise breakdown of the big numbers associated with each region. Bing’s map uses the bubble format to show the number of cases in each region, which is fine as long as you don’t interpret the circles as geographical spread.

The Johns Hopkins University COVID-19 Dashboard

The Johns Hopkins University of Medicine released a COVID-19 map on their website that is designed to help clinicians and researchers track the spread of the virus. ..

This map looks like it would be perfect for a Hollywood military thriller, but if you can get over the depressing color scheme you’ll find one of the best pandemic maps available.

We really liked the ranked list of cases by country on the left of the map. This immediately shows you which countries should be at the top of your list when it comes to travel concerns.

The US Coronavirus dashboard is a valuable resource for residents in the US who are looking for information on the pandemic. If you are a US resident, the information provided by the Johns Hopkins map is invaluable and we recommend bookmarking this site as a first port of call whenever you’re wondering what’s happening in your country.

Stick To The Basics!

  1. Get vaccinated!
  2. Avoid close contact with people who are sick or injured.
  3. Stay safe and healthy overall by eating a balanced diet and avoiding high-fat foods and drinks, as well as smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol.

To reduce the risk of catching a cold, follow these tips: -Stay at least six feet away from other people. -Wash your hands frequently with soap for 20 seconds or with alcohol-based hand sanitizer. -Wear a cloth masks at all times in public to curb asymptomatic spread. -Sanitize surfaces such as door handles regularly. ..

There is currently no vaccine or approved drugs to treat severe cases of COVID-19. Prevention is the best defence against this virus. COVID-19 is spread through droplets containing the virus and typically enters through the eyes, nose and mouth. ..

Do not share false or unproven claims about the coronavirus, COVID-19, on social media or in private messages. Only take advice from your government health officials and organizations such as the World Health Organization. ..

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is urging all Americans to stay safe during the pandemic by following these simple tips: -Stay healthy by eating a balanced diet and avoiding high-fat foods and drinks. -Avoid touching your face or body with dirty hands. -Stay away from sick people and animals.