A computer virus is a program that attempts to self-replicate by modifying the code of other programs. When the virus succeeds, the computer is then said to be “infected.” A virus can cause all manner of harm to the target computer, or sometimes none at all. The effect of the virus depends on the type.

Effects Of Computer Viruses

A virus can do a lot of damage to your computer if it is not treated quickly. Antiviral software can help protect you from the virus, but it is important to use it regularly and keep your computer updated with the latest patches. If you do not have antiviral software, you may be at risk of becoming infected with a virus and losing all your data.

The virus is hard to detect because it doesn’t cause any harm. Even when the virus is detected and removed, you aren’t sure how much of your information has been passed along.

The world of cybersecurity is a never-ending battle between those creating viruses and those creating antivirus software. A more complex virus may be created and last for some time until antivirus software is able to detect it, and then the threat is over–until a better virus comes along.

There are a number of viruses that are common on computers, and it’s for this reason that you need to be aware of them. If you know what to look for, you can avoid falling prey to them.

Common Computer Viruses

There are dozens of different cybersecurity threats at any given time that antivirus programs have not yet learned to detect and prevent. There are also hundreds of previous viruses that have caused tremendous amounts of damage. The following viruses are those you are likely to encounter today. Cybersecurity threats continue to increase, as new viruses emerge on a regular basis and antivirus software is not always able to detect them. Here are five common viruses you may encounter today:

  1. WannaCry: This ransomware virus encrypts files on infected computers, demanding payment from the victim in order for the files to be unlocked. It has affected hospitals, businesses, and other organizations around the world.
  2. NotPetya: This virus was discovered in June 2017 and affects computers by encrypting data with a 2048-bit key, making it difficult for users to access their files or systems. It spread rapidly through Ukraine before being detected by Microsoft and other antivirus companies.
  3. Petya/NotPetya: This is a combination of two different ransomware viruses that were discovered in 2017 and 2018 respectively. They both encrypt data with a 2048-bit key, making it difficult for users to access their files or systems.
  4. WannaCrypt: This ransomware virus was discovered in March 2017 and affects computers by encrypting data with a AES-256 key, making it extremely difficult for users to access their files or systems without paying the ransom fee set by the virus creator.
  5. NotPetya/WannaCrypt 2: This is a combination of two different ransomware viruses that were discovered in 2017 and 2018 respectively. They both encrypt data with a AES-256 key, making it extremely difficult for users to access their files or systems without paying the ransom fee set by the virus creator ..


The virus is a type of computer virus that connects your computer to a botnet, a series of connected devices all working together to achieve a singular goal. In the case of GoBrut, this is most commonly password cracking. The botnet works like a brute force password cracker and attempts to guess your password.

GoBrut is a virus that can slow down your computer’s performance and affect your internet speeds. The virus has been detected before, but new iterations of it have additional code that makes it more difficult to combat. ..

Make sure you use complex, difficult passwords that are not easily guessed. even if your system is infected by GoBrut, a strong password will make it more difficult for the virus to guess.


Jokeroo is a ransomware virus that is sold to anyone who wants to use it. Once it infects a target’s computer, it locks them out of their system until payment is made. ..

The affiliates split their ransom earnings with the company that distributes the software. Bitcoin is used to pay for the software, so it demands payment in bitcoin.

To avoid becoming a victim of a computer virus, be aware of the source of any links you click and any files you download. Ransomware is often disguised as harmless internet files, so be sure to only download files from trusted sources. ..

Cyborg Ransomware

The virus is a type of malware that uses fake updates to spread. It locks down systems and demands money in order to be released. It is the most common way this virus makes its way onto users’ computers.

Cyborg is a virus that is particularly effective. There are ways to break through it, but the majority of them involve technical skills that are outside the scope of the average user. The best way to beat this virus is to avoid coming in contact with it in the first place.

If you receive an email with a link to a Windows 10 update, do not click on it. Only download Windows updates from the official Microsoft website. As with other viruses, make sure you trust the source of a download before you allow it onto your system.

Stay Safe. Invest In Antivirus

Antivirus software is more important than ever before. Make sure to find a reliable antivirus program and set it up to perform at least weekly checks of your system. Learn how to spot viruses and malware and avoid going to suspicious websites. ..

Here are some tips to help you stay safe online:

  1. Be aware of your surroundings. If you’re using public Wi-Fi, be sure to connect to a secure network or use a password.
  2. Use common sense. Don’t share personal information, don’t open attachments from people you don’t know, and don’t post anything that could embarrass or harm you or someone else.
  3. Use a VPN if necessary. A VPN encrypts your traffic and helps protect your privacy online by hiding your IP address and location. ..