1. Create a new Google Calendar account and use it for all your business needs. This will help you keep track of your calendar and make better decisions about when to work.
  2. Set up a recurring reminder for yourself so that you never have to forget an appointment or event. This will help you stay on top of your schedule and avoid overworking yourself.
  3. Use the “To Do” list to keep track of all the tasks that need to be done before a certain date or time. This will help you stay organized and focused on what needs to be done rather than wasting time on things that don’t need to be done until later.

Change The View To Something That Works For You

Google Calendar allows you to view your calendar in a variety of ways, depending on what you want to see. You can zoom in on a specific day or zoom out and see the entire year. ..

To choose your calendar view, go to the top right and click the down arrow.

You can view your calendar by day, week, month, or year. You can use the keyboard shortcuts to toggle between the views. If you want to make it even simpler, just focus on your schedule for the day. ..

Weekend and declined events are not as important as the main points of the article. ..

You can change how Google Calendar displays your events, including adding and removing days, weeks, months, and years.

To view multiple Google Calendars side-by-side, just select the day view and check the box next to the calendars you want to combine into one view. ..

Use The “Schedule” view To Quickly Check Your day

One useful Google Calendar tip is using the Schedule view as a quick way to catch overlapping events if you work in a remote team. If you have shared calendars, you can add any team calendar from the left sidebar.

From the Schedule dropdown on the top-right, you can choose to view your upcoming appointments, or add new appointments. ..

This joint calendar gives you a bird’s eye view of how busy or free your entire team is. You can apply the same view to your own multiple calendars and check for clashing tasks.

Google Calendar is a great tool for remote teams because it allows you to easily keep track of your work and schedule. By using Google Calendar, you can easily collaborate with other team members, and make sure everyone is on the same page.

Color Code Priority Tasks You Don’t Want To Miss

A color-coded system can help you better understand your tasks and what needs to be done. By assigning colors to events, you can better prioritize them.

A yellow color can be used to cover low-priority tasks while a darker color like red could be for something urgent.

Select event color and choose the color you want to label it with.

To keep your work and personal lives separate, use different colors for your Google Calendars. Click on the three vertical arrows next to a calendar. Choose the color from the palette. ..

Use Time Blocks To Free Up Time

If you have a lot of work to do and don’t want to be disturbed by others, using time blocks can help you manage your schedule stress. By default, Google Calendar shows you as “Busy” when you block someone. This will keep them from disturbing you during these hours, which will free up your time for other tasks.

Let Others Know Your Working Hours

By using a calendar, you can avoid meeting with your team outside of working hours. This will help to ensure that you are available for any time after that.

This is a Google Calendar feature that lets you schedule events using your Google account.

Bring Facebook Events To The Calendar

Did you know that you can add Facebook events to Google Calendar and keep them synced? This will save you the bother of checking social media if you don’t want to.

Facebook is introducing a new feature that will allow users to see events that are happening near them. This is a great way for people to stay up-to-date on what’s happening in their community. ..

Upcoming events on Google Calendar: -A meeting of the city council on Wednesday, January 12th at 6pm -A meeting of the city council on Thursday, January 13th at 6pm -A meeting of the city council on Friday, January 14th at 6pm

Import the Facebook Upcoming Events iCal file and see the new calendar in the other calendars section.

The Google Calendar will stay synchronized with the Facebook Events calendar when new events are added.

Use Google Calendar Like a Journal

The Notes field can be a great way to keep track of important information for events. You can use it like a quickfire bullet journal or a notepad. You can also add attachments for richer notes.

After completing a scheduled task, you can gain insights for any future improvements by taking a productivity score.

This self-feedback can help you better use your time and reduce stress.

Don’t Miss Appointments Across Time Zones

If you work in a multinational team, it’s important to activate Google Calendar’s secondary time zone feature. This will ensure that you’re always on track with the local time, no matter where you are in the world. ..

Under the Time zone header, check the box for Display secondary time zone and set the time zone you want.

The calendar in Windows 10 is a mess. It’s hard to tell what day it is, where it is in the world, or what time it is. To make it easier to tell on the calendar with a glance, you can add labels to each time zone. You can see this screen above, which shows you how to display world time clocks in any number of places.

Turn Off Notifications

Too many notifications can cause stress. The best way to manage them is to limit or turn them off altogether. ..

Google Calendar can be helpful, but too many events or even multiple calendars can become distractions. ..

To turn off notifications from Event settings, open the Event settings and select the “Notifications” tab. Under “Notifications,” select “None.”

The One Google Calendar Shortcut To Remember

How to go on a date quickly with just one keypress

On May 15, 2020, the United States will have a new president. ..

Today’s date view is a recap of the day’s events.

Remember To Fill Your Google Calendar 

Google Calendar is a great online calendar that can be used on your desktop and mobile devices. You don’t have to rely on a browser or the mobile apps, and you can easily set up Google Calendar on your desktop too. If you have good time management habits, then it is the best online calendar for you.